Google Images


Written by Natalie Briscoe, Assistant to Linda Allen

Have you ever taken pictures on vacation, gotten home and thought, “where did I take that picture?”  If you said yes, then Google Images is for you.

I needed to know where the picture (shown below) of Linda Allen was taken in front of a fountain on one of her recent trips.  I searched the photo on Google Images by going to Google, clicking images, click the small camera that is located in the search bar, click upload an image then browse your system and locate the photo you wish to search.

After searching the fountain photo, I received quite a few results, but not of the fountain I was looking for.  I decided to use the process of elimination and searched the next photo in the series of pictures from this trip and to my surprise it located the picture right off.

The second image was located in Koblenz Germany, I searched the fountain photo again and in the field that indicates, describe image here, I entered Koblenz Germany and the fountain was located.  It is the History Fountain located in Koblenz Germany. 

Google Images can be used to search for pictures by words, URL and browsing your personal photos.





Give Google Images a try.